Duluth-Superior Pride Festival 2024
Interested in being a sponsor of Duluth Superior Pride in 2024? Please visit our Eventeny system by clicking here to apply or re-apply (renew) for supporting and sponsoring the Pride festival.
Sponsorship Packages:
Emerald Sponsorship $250:
Facebook Post/Shout out
Name/logo on Pride Brochure
Ruby Sponsorship $500:
Facebook Post/Shout out
Name/logo on Pride Brochure
4 Block Party event tickets
Sapphire Sponsorship $1,000:
Facebook post/shout out
Name/logo on pride brochure
4 Block Party event tickets
Link/mention on website
1 Free Vendor Spot for Pride Festival (rental of tables, chairs/tent not included)
Diamond Sponsorship $2500:
Facebook Post/Shout out
Name/logo on Pride Brochure
4 Block Party event tickets
Link/mention on Website
6 VIP Passes at Festival
5 minute time on Stage at Festival to talk about program & support of Pride
1 Free Vendor Spot for Pride Festival (rental of tables, chairs/tent not included)
Sponsorships will be accepted up until the event, however, to be featured in our brochure and other marketing media, sponsorships are due by July 31. Please complete a vendor form as well and mail to address provided on that form. If you have any questions please contact Jan Ashmore, Vendor Coordinator/Assistant Treasurer at 218-348-8141 or jashmore@northlandallies.com Thank you for your support!